Tag Archives: mayor

Hospital Insanity

Just saw in the latest Snoqualmie Valley Record that clearing and grading has started for the new hospital. What struck a nerve with me is how they were describing the site as a nice lush fern laden tree covered landscape, then in the next breath, jumping for joy at ripping and tearing it all down! Thus the de greening of the Parkway continues amidst joy and jubilation of city leaders! Now I wouldn’t have such a gripe about this new boondoggle, and most of the funding will be from the Federal Government, but our tax dollars will be needed for its future and continuing operation. The last discussions I saw amongst many if not most Valley residents, was this hospital was not needed or wanted, yours truly included. In case you have been under a rock or had your head in the sand (or up something), there is a beautiful state of the art medical facility just being finished minutes away on the Issaquah Highlands! It has a fantastic ER facility of which I just recently visited and received the greatest medical care of my life! Why oh why on Earth does Snoqualmie feel the need for this! Methinks that some of our city leaders and hospital district officials need to feel important and relevant and this hospital will somehow put them on the map. Hope you think you are getting your wish because I see nothing but foolishness in this!

The Snoqualmie Tribe has bought the old hospital and is making payments on it. Move out of their way and let them turn it into a first class clinic for the upper Valley to serve their people and also the rest of us who may need their services. They will let each and everyone get medical care when we need it! Then we can dissolve this hospital district, lower our taxes, and enjoy the natural beauty we have out here without having to endure yet more concrete and asphalt. But alas the door has been opened and it was quoted by Hospital Administrator Rodger McCollum, “That’s our future, if growth happens, we have property across the street for a hundred-bed hospital.” Sounds just wonderful…….not! The whole thing just sickens me. So much so, that maybe I’ll head over to Swedish and get checked out. Oh and by the way, I surely hope we have some decent and responsible contenders stand up to some incumbents in the next City political election, because I am voting for them.

Show Number 92 – Community Center Final Word

The final city council meeting was held tonight before the final vote was made! This should end the debate on the long drawn out issue. Listen and see what the outcome was!!

Listen To Show 92!

Show Number 91 – Back From Hiatus

Well I have been rustled from my hibernation in my cozy cave beneath the Falls! Oh it was so confortable there! At the request of some concerned citizens, a new podcast has been recorded and posted. We all know that a simmering debate regarding a city community center has gone on for years now and now it looks as though the city officials plan on going on with partnering with and building a YMCA. Not everyone is happy as you will hear in this podcast! It was recorded at a Parks & Planning meeting on March 02, 2010! Listen and see what you think!!

Listen To Show 91!