Tag Archives: Snoqualmie

My Support Ends For Kathy Lambert

For the next election, I will no longer support Kathy Lambert as our representative for King County Council District 3! As a driver for Metro, I can no longer support her spearheading the assault on Metro and other King County employees livelihood! I am also considering canceling my subscription to the Seattle Sunday Times as they seem to have a recent passion for bashing County employees also! Most of this unfair reporting and heavy-handedness stems from a report from the Washington Policy Center and a recent audit of Metro operations! The knee jerk reactions from Lambert and other Council members show me they cannot think outside of the box and come up with more realistic solutions to the County budget problems! Let’s see……the County Council members along with Mr. Constantine decide to spend down Metros reserves on other crisis issues against the advice of Metro Managers! Then comes the schedule adjustments in a reaction of the audit saying there is too much layover time for the buses in an effort to save money. The new schedules are not even drivable now and in my opinion, unsafe! This has eroded Metro’s on time performance with many routes running constantly late! The drivers are getting very little break time and are being heavily stressed! This ridiculous policy will eventually cost the County way more in any money saved in L&I claims, medical and insurance payouts, accidents and possible law suits caused by these impossible schedules! Now comes the assault on County employees pay and benefits. I still cannot understand the corporate and political attack on living wage jobs in this country! The United States has gone from a producing to a consuming country! In order to continue in this consumption economy, the populace have to have the means to spend, therefore consume. When living wage jobs are outsourced and eliminated, this reduces the means to keep up with consumption rate needed to sustain the “new economy” and it falls like a house of cards! One doesn’t need a degree in Economics to understand this! Apparently most of our politicians don’t get it or are forced to ignore it! Now we come to how Metro is mainly funded and that is by sales taxes! By this all out attack on thousands of workers whom all spend money in the County, aren’t you just pulling the rug right out from under the County budget? It would seem so to me and there by exasperating the budget crisis!

I implore those of you reading this to also read page 4 of the following article linked here to get a reality check of what really is going on with our dilemma as County employees and then make a better educated decision on who to throw your support. Also feel free to check out some of the other articles written to find out just who is this Washington Policy Center really is!

North Bend Growth

You know growth in North Bend would eventually happen. They have long lifted the building moratorium by acquiring substantial water rights and have started annexing land to pull that growth into the city boundaries to as they say “manage that growth”. It sounded like a good idea because North Bend doesn’t need a “Ridge”! Both communities struggle to accommodate future growth while trying to preserve the rural quality of life that is beloved out here! North Bend had no choice for over a decade while Snoqualmie slapped up thousands of homes up on the Ridge adding a retail center there also that struggles to keep tenants! Now that the flood gates have opened in North Bend, we shall see how well they do!

The city annexed what was called the Tanner addition east of the city and plans on directing new growth there. The Valley Record recently posed the question to some North Bend residents of just what should go into the new annex and I was appalled at some of their answers! One said more houses, well that is a given! Another mentioned a chicken restaurant……what does she mean a KFC? The other two were very surprising! One said a WalMart Superstore and the other said a Costo! I don’t get it! I don’t understand the reasoning of why anybody would want a WalMart in their town! Both Snoqualmie and North Bend are working with Federal grant money to upgrade and improve their downtown infrastructures North Bend has long desired to improve their downtown core! If a WalMart were to ever be approved for developement, it would decimate and put a lid on that idea! Talking about ruining your rural quality of life! There probably will be enough houses built that will erode that soon enough! As for a Costco, drive to Issaquah which is less than 15 minutes away and do you big block shopping there! When you already have the roses to stop and smell, why wish for the asphalt that will forever remove them. Wake up people!!

Noise, noise, noise

Well okay, I sit on the fence on this one……noise from the Snoqualmie Casino Summer Concert Series! First off, I don’t live anywhere near the sound blasts from these events and second, even if I did, I probably wouldn’t hear much during the week night shows since I work nights. I’ll refer to my wife on whether she’d enjoy hearing the sounds of summer and for the most part, she wouldn’t mind sitting on the back patio jamming to the tunes of bands we loved in the past! I’ve seen the line up for the series and really, the musical acts showing up are really great and hearing them for free……can you beat it??

What really irks me is…..have we really all turned into such a bitch fest of a society? Did this exist back in the old days…….well at least the 40’s or 50’s when we were a post war nation on a rapid road of prosperity? I don’t know, but growing up in the sixties, I don’t remember much local bitching about anything……..but then again, I was just a kid back then! I mean my parents didn’t gripe much about the neighbors or what was going on in the neighborhood, or really anything! What the hell is the problem with today’s society that we have to gripe, complain, bitch, and argue about everything under the sun! Nothing can get done anymore without a forum of whether it should be done or not! Really, it has become ridiculous, think about it!

For now, just sit back and enjoy your free concerts for the summer, soon it will be over and the Tribe has said they would evaluate the speaker positioning for the next season. Also think about what is really important to bitch about…….is it really noise from some distant casino? I think there are many more things to focus your ire and ilk to. You think about it and let me know!

Snoqualmie Joe

Show Number 93 – A Rally Track In Snoqualmie?

Yes it could be true, an advanced rally driving facility could be heading to the old mill site! Hear all about it with my guests, Greg Lund and Bob Morris from Ultimate Rally Experience!

Listen To Show 93!

Ultimate Rally Contact Info

Show Number 92 – Community Center Final Word

The final city council meeting was held tonight before the final vote was made! This should end the debate on the long drawn out issue. Listen and see what the outcome was!!

Listen To Show 92!

Show Number 91 – Back From Hiatus

Well I have been rustled from my hibernation in my cozy cave beneath the Falls! Oh it was so confortable there! At the request of some concerned citizens, a new podcast has been recorded and posted. We all know that a simmering debate regarding a city community center has gone on for years now and now it looks as though the city officials plan on going on with partnering with and building a YMCA. Not everyone is happy as you will hear in this podcast! It was recorded at a Parks & Planning meeting on March 02, 2010! Listen and see what you think!!

Listen To Show 91!